Duval-Messien (China) high tech for lightning protection is a wholly owned subsidiary of Duval-Messien. Duval-Messien is the result of the merger of Duval, founded in 1835, and Messien, founded in 1927. Duval-Messien is one of the world's leading mine protection companies, with a strong talent pool and a team of highly skilled engineers in research, development, project planning, management and implementation. The main products are Satelit+ (satellite) series of early streamer emission lightning rod, StormDetec® lightning warning system, , StormSAT , Argos grounding products. The products are widely used in microwave communication station, electric power industry, broadcasting station, airport area, power plant, communication engineering, computer central system center, power station, substation and other projects. With scientific and technological research as the forerunner, the company is one of the main manufacturers of early streamer emission lightning rod and lightning warning system in France. 
Company Profile
Product Information
  • Predischarge lightning rod

  • Lightning warning

  • Exothermic welding

  • Lightning protection

  • Conductors

  • Earthing

  • 提前放电避雷针

  • 雷电预警

  • 防雷系列

  • 接地系列

  • 导体系列

  • 放热焊接系列

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