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1. Satellite +ESE lightning rod working characteristics

● Excellent performance

1, under the same conditions (height), "Satelit+" than ordinary lightning rod protection range.

2, the lightning is more accurate, reduce the probability of the lightning point falling on the non-lightning rod body.

● Safe and reliable: no radioactive elements, stainless steel material, corrosion resistance, strong wind resistance.

● Maintenance-free: passive, no power supply, no energy consuming components.

● Simple installation: light weight, no need to install coaxial shielded cable.

● Beautiful shape

2. Satellite +ESE lightning rod model

△T: According to the pre-empt time stipulated by NFC17-102, the actual test value is greater than the specified value

3. Satellite +ESE lightning rod protection radius

According to NFC17-102, the tip should be 2m(H1) above the level of the protected object. When the lightning rod height is different (H2, H3... Hn),

The protection range (radius) is Rp2,Rp3... Rpn, the calculation formula should take into account the lightning protection level of the protected object, local thunderstorm activity and geological features.

The protection radius of "Satelit +" is related to the height (h), to its pre-emptive start time (model), and to the selected protection level:

When h≥5,;

Note: In the formula,Rp is the protection radius of the horizontal plane considered h is the horizontal height difference between the tip and the top of the protected object and D is the radius of the ball (flashing distance).

The first class building is 20m(STIPULATED in GB50057-94 D=30m)

The second type of building is 45m

The third type of building is 60m

△L is the pre-emptive distance of Satelit +

△L=V (m/microsecond) ·△T (microsecond)

V is the pilot propagation velocity, and the experimental data show that V=1 m/microsecond

When h≤ 5, see the protection radius table




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    Publish Date:2021-07-20 Author:响应式建站

Satellit +ESE lightning rod